Divorce Appraisals

During a divorce, determining the value of the marital home is crucial, as it often represents the largest asset acquired during the marriage. Whether you or your spouse plan to retain the property, obtaining an accurate valuation is essential for a fair division of assets. Typically, there are two options concerning the marital residence:

  1. The property can be sold, and the proceeds divided.
  2. If either party wishes to remain in the home, they can pay a settlement to their spouse.

In both scenarios, an appraisal is necessary. For option #1, an appraisal helps establish a listing price to minimize the time on the market and maximize the selling price. For option #2, a certified real estate appraiser’s appraisal is required before a judge can make a ruling on the settlement or property division. The responsibility for the appraisal fee depends on an agreement between both parties or a court order from the judge.

Divorce appraisals demand a well-documented, professional appraisal that can withstand scrutiny in court. The appraiser should have experience in providing both current and retrospective property values, as either or both may be required by the courts. A Retrospective Appraisal refers to a valuation based on a past date, such as the filing date, marriage date, separation date, or purchase date. If your case goes to court, the appraiser may be called as an expert witness, making it crucial that their valuation and adjustments are thoroughly explained and supported.

At Austin Appraisal Group, our expertise and experience in the Central Texas area ensure that we handle your divorce appraisal with the highest levels of professionalism, empathy, and confidentiality. Unless legally required, we will not share your appraisal with opposing attorneys, spouses, or anyone else without your permission. We encourage you to contact us directly with any questions about divorce appraisals or other appraisal-related concerns.

Reach out to us at 512-655-9775 or complete our free quote request form on this page for a complimentary appraisal quote. Our team of knowledgeable professionals is ready to answer your questions and provide an accurate, reliable appraisal that meets all your needs.

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